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Academic and Media Organizations

Included below are the names and contact information for the student organization opportunities on campus to check out throughout the first weeks of classes. To email the president or campus advisor, simply type the last name, first name of the individual into the “To” bar of the university’s email system, and click on “check names” to populate.

College of Applied and Social Sciences

  1. Accounting Club

    Victoria Esposito, president

    Ruth Pogacnik, campus advisor

    Our purpose is to provide educational and professional enrichment in the accounting field. To join, please contact the president

  2. American Marketing Association (AMA)

    Morgan Boswell, president

    Twitter: MountUnionAMA

    Joel Evans, campus advisor

    The purpose of this organization is to enhance the academic and professional development of its members through contact with a wide variety of activities and the cooperation of area businesses, professional speakers, the community, and other campus organizations. Members learn marketing principles through volunteering, fundraisers, networking affairs, workshops, corporate speakers, and firm tours. Membership is open to all interested students at the University.

  3. American Sign Language Club

    Gina Hoffman, president

    Susan McConnell, campus advisor

    The American Sign Language Club provides education about Deaf Culture and assistance to help develop signing skills to the students at the University of Mount Union through weekly discussions, guest speakers, trips, and other similar activities. Membership is open to all interested students.

  4. Enactus

    Bethany Eierdam, president

    Instagram: enactusumu | Twitter: @enactusumu

    Mark McConnell, campus advisor

    Enactus believes “investing in students who take entrepreneurial action for others creates a better world for us all.” Members collaborate with business leaders and faculty to ignite business innovation through experiences of social impact that spark social enterprise.

  5. Global Engineering Club

    Dana Lucas, president

    Dr. Hans Tritico, campus advisor

    Global Engineering Club seeks to provide experience working with a diverse group of people by helping communities in developing world countries through service-based projects. GEC provides international design opportunities that will further our education to help us become more well-rounded engineers.

  6. Model United Nations

    Ana Malinowski, president

    Dr. Francis Schortgen, campus advisor

    The purpose of the Model United Nations Club is to promote a better understanding of the United Nations and provide the grounds for an active simulation of the United Nations. The primary goal of this organization is an active participant in Model United Nations conferences and tournaments.

  7. National Security & International Affairs Club

    Joe Demeis and Patton Sidbeck, presidents

    Dr. Francis Schortgen, campus advisor

    The purpose of the NSIA club is to promote a better understanding of the national security threats facing the United States, to discuss and actively participate in current national security threats through discussion, and to offer campus-wide programming in this arena through the area.

  8. UMU Aspiring Educators Association

    Hunter Yusko, president

    Dr. Donna Bishop and Mrs. Debbie Fedyna, campus advisors

    The University of Mount Union Aspiring Educators Association provides for university students interested in the teaching profession, the opportunity to explore the science and art of the teaching profession. This organization is affiliated with the national and state chapters of Aspiring Educators who serve teacher candidates during their preparation period for a career in education. Teacher candidates who maintain membership in this organization are often provided liability insurance for the field and clinical student teaching experience and discounts on their membership in the National and State Education Associations (NEA, OEA) once they have achieved educator licensure.

    SNEA Welcome Video

  9. Pre-Law Society

    Katherine D Wilson, president

    Pre-Law Society is an organization open to all students expressing an interest in understanding legal issues. The purpose of the organization is to provide a forum for discussion of matters pertaining to law. The organization is open to all students, not just those with a desire to attend law school.

  10. Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA)

    Emily Cooney, president

    Twitter: UMU_PRSSA

    Dr. Andrea Ferraro, campus advisor

    PRSSA is established on campus to encourage the understanding of current theories and procedures in the practice of public relations; provide students of public relations with the opportunity to become acquainted not only with their peers but with professional practitioners as well; encourage students to adhere to the highest ideals and principles of the practice of public relations, and instill in them a professional attitude.

  11. Raider Racing / SAE Baja Club

    Nate Pimpas, president

    Dr. Joshua Gargac, campus advisor

    The purpose of Raider Racing is to educate students on how to work in a professional team setting, offer hands-on experience through a technical design project, become leaders, and to engage in friendly competition with other schools.

  12. Raider Robotics

    Dr. Chad Korach, campus advisor

    The purpose of The Raider Robotics Team shall be to promote the growth of science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) education. The team looks to accomplish this by providing students at the University of Mount Union, a platform to explore those areas through participation in the VEX Robotics Competition – University Division.

  13. Raider Student Media

    Mackenzie Wiley, online editor

    Vincent Camma, program director WRMU

    Raider Student Media encompasses the Dynamo student-run newspaper, WRMU 91.1 FM, the University radio station, and Studio M, the campus television station.

  14. SHRM

    Katherine Brodbeck, president

    Email: | Twitter: Shrmumu

    Dr. Anne Christo-Baker, advisor

    The University of Mount Union chapter of SHRM provides students with opportunities to gain knowledge and insight into the effective management of human capital in the field of Human Resources. This organization is affiliated with the national organization, SHRM.

  15. Society of Women Engineers

    Amber Zheng, president

    Dr. Shehla Arif, campus advisor

    The purpose of the Society of Women Engineers is a focus on issues of interest to women specializing in engineering and technical careers.

  16. TechConnect | 📹

    Marissa Stover, president

    Twitter: umuTechConnect

    Dr. Sarah Huibregtse, advisor

    TechConnect is an organization to support computing and build a strong, inclusive community. This organization is open to all. TechConnect brings speakers to meetings and has themed meetings to discover and get our hands on new technologies and topics. Anyone is welcome to attend any events and membership is open to all.

    TechConnect Welcome Video

  17. UMU Cyber Security Club

    Trevor Ryan, president

    Ken Smith, campus advisor

    The purpose of UMU Cyber Security Club is to provide a place for anyone interested in the cyber security profession the ability for hands-on learning and practice before graduation. This club also provides the chance to network with individuals in the field of cyber security as well.

College of Arts and Humanities

  1. Book Club

    Dirk Kaufman, president

    Frank Tascone, campus advisor

    The Book Club promotes an outlet for creativity and curiosity by hosting and attending intellectual and cultural activities pertaining to literature and/or writing that would be otherwise unavailable to students. Book Club is dedicated to bringing authors and other interesting speakers to campus, conducting writing workshops, and gathering campus together for thought-provoking movies and discussions.

  2. Calliope Literary Magazine

    Sarah Stefancin, editor

    Dr. Gwen Gray Schwartz, campus advisor

    Instagram: umucalliope | Twitter: umucalliope

    The Calliope is the college literary and art magazine with the purpose of encouraging artistic expression in literature and visual arts. Contributions are accepted from all members of the University community with selections chosen by the editorial staff and published in an annual magazine, with support from professional judges in each category. The Calliope is an amazing opportunity for any artist or author to shine.

  3. French Culture Club

    Chase Barron, president

    Dr. Bertrand Landry, campus advisor

    French Culture Club exists to promote the activities of the French Department and foster a community among students of the French language to broaden worldviews, improve language proficiency, and sponsor activities that feature French culture.

  4. Japanese Club

    Kendall Bozick, president

    Dawn Adams, campus advisor

    Japanese Club, as an academic organization, is a club with the goal of organizing and promoting Japanese activities on the Mount Union campus as well as fostering a sense of community among students from Japan and those who are interested in Japanese Culture. If interested in joining, please click here to sign up!

    Japanese Club Welcome Video

  5. The Mount Union Players

    Juliana Sutliff, president

    Kevin Kern, campus advisor

    Mount Union Players is a student-led organization that supplements the Theatre Department. We are the main source of information for Theatre majors but welcome all majors to join us for our meetings and activities.

  6. Ohio Collegiate Music Education Association (OCMEA)

    Abigail McElroy, president

    Email: | Instagram: ocmea_mountunion

    Dr. Patricia Boehm, campus advisor 

    Although this organization is open to all interested students, it is of special interest to music education majors. The organization provides students with the benefits of a professional association and help to foster a professional attitude.

  7. Peace Building Society

    Joseph Higginbotham, president

    Dr. Nicole Johnson, campus advisor

    The purpose of The Peace Building Society is to educate the community and campus, and improve members’ understanding of social issues, through activities and events to raise awareness, on issues ranging from local to global, and finding responsible citizenship through peacebuilding.

  8. Study Abroad Club

    Mira Isabel Knapp, president

    Doug Granger, campus advisor
    The purpose of the Study Abroad Club shall be to provide a community for study abroad alumni and those interested in study abroad. Through club meetings and cultural awareness events, we intend to share cultural experiences in an interest to advocate for international education and reach out to prospective study abroad students.

College of Natural and Health Sciences

  1. American Chemical Society (ACS)

    Carlee Mitchell, president


    Dr. Sheryl Mason, campus advisor

    The University of Mount Union student chapter of the American Chemical Society strives to afford opportunities for students interested in chemistry and related fields to become better acquainted with the responsibilities and challenges of the modern chemist. The student chapter aims to help its members secure the intellectual stimulation that arises from the professional association and to afford its members' experiences in preparing and presenting technical material before chemical audiences. The organization fosters a professional spirit among the members and work to instill curiosity in and knowledge of chemistry among its members and the greater Mount Union and Alliance communities.

  2. Association of Pre-Physician Assistant Students (APPAS)

    Emily Schutt, president


    Dana Domer, campus advisor

    APPAS promotes educational experiences and provides a route for students seeking to pursue continued education as a Physician Assistant (PA). APPAS provides members opportunities for shadowing, volunteering, and patient care as it relates to the PA profession. The organization seeks to help undergraduate students prepare for the application and interview process required for entry into a PA program.

  3. Athletic Training Club

    Julie Fioritto, president

    The Mount Union Student Athletic Training Club helps to promote the advancement of Athletic Training to Athletic Training majors, minors, and to any interested student, faculty, and alumni outside of the Athletic Training Program.

  4. Exercise Science Club

    Maria Johnson, president

    Dr. Kelsey Scanlon, campus advisor

    The purpose of the Exercise Science Club is to provide its members with practical experiences with the field of exercise science. Membership is open to those majoring, minoring, or with an interest in exercise science.

  5. Inter-Science Research Club

    Jenna Smith, president

    Dr. Lonnie Lowery, campus advisor

    Among health-related sciences, which includes, but is not limited to, Exercise Science, Biology, Biochemistry, and Chemistry departments across campus, to discuss current research in relevant fields, and to provide revenue for trans-disciplinary faculty-student research.

  6. Physical Therapy Pre-Professional Club

    Dr. Megan Salvatore, campus advisor

    The purpose of the Physical Therapy Pre-Professional Club (PTPC) shall be to provide a supportive network for students interested in careers as a Doctor of Physical Therapy. Through the association, students will have the opportunity to meet practicing physical therapists, connect with volunteer experience, participate in physical therapy events, learn about physical therapy educational requirements, and meet with other students and faculty involved in physical therapy.

  7. Pre-Dental Club

    Dr. Phil LaScola, advisor

    The purpose of the Pre-Dental Club is to provide a community of individuals who share a common interest in the field of dentistry. Pre-Dental Club shall educate, prepare, and support students as they continue their journey to dental school.

  8. Society of Physics Students (Sigma Pi Sigma)

    Jacob Beavon, president

    Dr. Richelle Teeling-Smith, campus advisor

    Society of Physics Students is a student organization promoting the study of physics. Membership is defined as having above a 3.5 GPA in all physics classes taken, to have taken 16 credits worth of physics, and to be invited into the group by the Mount Union Department of Physics and Astronomy faculty.

  9. Student Society of the Academy of the American Academy of Physician Assistants

    Julianne Rosa, president

    Betsy Ekey, campus advisor

    The purpose of SAAAPA is to serve as the official organization for the students of the University of Mount Union Physician Assistant Program, to promote academic achievement and clinical excellence, and to promote the physician assistant as a member of the health care delivery team. Students who are members of the UMU PA program are eligible for membership.

  10. Student Nursing Association

    Krysten Castenir, president

    Email: | Instagram: mountunionnursing | Twitter: MountNursing

    Perri Concialdi and Kelly Schwendiman, campus advisors

    The purpose of the Student Nursing Organization is to provide academic and nonacademic services to the nursing students and nursing department. The services include but are not limited to freshman student picnic and orientation, social gathering and support, picnics, fundraising for students and community activities and community service projects.